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The first ever Abia Diaspora Organisation inspired by the influence of the visionary leadership of our able Governor, Dr Alex Otti. Abia diaspora office is an arm of the government under the office of the special adviser to the Governor.

The Abia diaspora office facilitated the promulgation of the state diaspora commission bill which is the domestication of the federal Bill (NIDCOM) passed by the state house of Assemble on March 2021.

Ripples! ripples!! ripples!!! as it spreads outward in its centrifugal wave from its original point. Diaspora domestication triggers a ripple effect, fostering a profound sense of trust, pride in serving one's homeland, and a unique feeling of fulfillment. As individuals from diverse backgrounds return to contribute to their home countries, they bring with them a wealth of experiences, skills, and perspectives. This influx of talent not only enhances local expertise but also cultivates a heightened trust in the capabilities of the domestic workforce.

The diaspora's pride in serving their home country becomes a driving force for positive change. Motivated by a deep connection to their roots, individuals often invest time and resources in initiatives that contribute to local development. This collective commitment to progress fosters an environment where aspirations align with community well-being.

The feeling of fulfillment stems from the tangible impact diaspora members can make on their homeland. Whether through entrepreneurship, education, or technological advancements, their contributions become integral to the nation's growth. This sense of purpose transcends personal success, resonating with the broader goal of societal development.

Furthermore, the diaspora's exposure to range of practices, coupled with their understanding of local nuances, accelerates progress. The knowledge transfer facilitates smoother adaptation of innovative approaches and foster a dynamic environment which is conducive for sustainable development.

Diaspora domestication creates a positive feedback loop where trust, pride, fulfillment, and developmental ease interconnect, propelling nations toward a more prosperous future.